Contains the ANI and AF to GTDB-Tk reference genomes. If no results are found, then
the reference, ani, and af columns will contain no result
query reference ani af
genome_1 GCF_000024185.1 100.0 1.0
genome_1 GCA_900321995.1 80.9023 0.7
genome_1 GCF_900114585.1 79.96 0.55
genome_1 GCA_900314635.1 78.4474 0.3
genome_1 GCF_900016785.1 74.6579 0.27
genome_1 GCF_000090965.1 74.7879 0.25
genome_1 GCF_000621965.1 75.8207 0.22
genome_2 GCA_002498365.1 99.1599 0.94
genome_2 GCA_002505345.1 89.9225 0.89